Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ways of Producing Essential Oils

Ways of Producing Essential Oils

The use of Essential Oils to improve your overall health is called Aromatherapy. The contents of Essential Oils are known as hormones, antibiotics, thermions (unseen scents) and recycling cells (essential to the existence of a live plant) Due to these properties the immunity of plants to various diseases is heightened. Disease causing bacteria and viruses are eliminated. Essential oils which are normally made from plants contain certain qualities that can benefit our overall health. There are two ways in which essential oils work; psychologically - by way of the body's sense of smell on the central nervous system by vaporizers or smelling of the oils; and physically - through the skin by mixing the oils for massage, foot baths or steam inhalation.

Aromatherapy is unique in the way in which it connects our overall health with the natural wealth of the world around us. The pleasure in itself is therapy, but aromatherapy goes further, by transforming therapy into pleasure. Use caution when using essential oils. Use caution when applying concentrated essential oils. Carrier oils are used when thinning essential oils for massage. Try not to use essential oils on sensitive areas such as the eyes. The curing of some diseases with oils may work well but for others may not be suitable. Always research the essential oils that you wish to use before doing so. Essential oils should be stored in a cool dark place in an airtight container.

Comments on Essential Oils

Essential oils are sorted by their degree of lightness and subdivided into oils of the top, average and base categories. Essential oils of the top evaporate rapidly due to their lightness and care should be taken when storing them. Base oils evaporate the least rapidly. The most balanced and steady mixes are aroma-therapeutic mixes containing oils of the top, average and base category. In this article we will explain how to make your own essential oils for massage or other applications.

Natural vs Synthetic Aromatherapy Oils

Natural aromatherapy essential oils represent a high concentration of vegetative extracts derived by evaporation or extraction from flowers, berries, seeds, roots, bark or citrus dried peels. How much an essential oils is sold for depends on the amount of raw material required to produce the oil. The amount differs from plant to plant. For example, from the petals of thirty roses it is possible to receive only one drop of rose oil, from this comes its high price though there are also cheaper oils. Man made or synthetic oils are made by combining certain artificially flavored oils in laboratories. In technical language, flavored oils are actually not oils and are more likely artificial chemical compounds. These products usually carry exotic names of flowers or fruit from which they have not been derived. True peach or strawberry oils do not exist. Even though their aroma is pleasant, flavored oils do not possess any healing qualities or any properties of plants. They cannot be used for medicinal reasons and some can be dangerous when applied to the skin. As a precaution it is suggested that you not use these substances for aromatherapy applications as there is no information on their safety.

Ways of Producing Aromatherapy Oils

The most common method of producing aromatherapy essential oils is Steam Distillation. One method of direct distillation is where the steam distillatory is loaded with raw vegetative material. Under high pressure the steam is piped into the distillatory and the vegetative matter mixes with the steam. The steam and vegetative matter mix condenses into a liquid on top of which floats the essential oils. The water is then removed leaving the essential oils. Cold Pressing is applied to raw materials to derive citric oils. This is basically a soft pressure method where the oils are pressed out of the citric peels. Carrier oils are produced in the same way by pressing seeds. Solvent Extraction is the method of extraction using special solvents. The resulting absolute oils are extremely pure. It is a delicate procedure to remove an aromatic substance from vegetative matter with solvents. The wax-like residue that remains when the solvents are removed is mixed with alcohol and is carefully heated. Following this is a filtration procedure in which the wax is removed. The pure oils remain once the alcohol is removed. Every absolute oil carries a quality certificate.

Essential Oils vs Absolute Oils

Aromatherapy essential oils possess a high concentration of aromatic vegetative extracts. Steam distillation is the normal method by which essential oils are derived from vegetative matter. Citrus oils are produced by the cold pressing the fruit peels. Absolute oils are obtained by a method of extraction using solvents at the end of which all-soluble material is removed and are usually more concentrated than essential oils.

Infused Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Plant flowers are submerged in olive or Soy oils for a reasonable period of time This allows the oils to receive the essence of the flower and use it for the manufacture of infused oils. For producing carrot oil the extract of the root crop is soaked in Soy oil for the most effective utilization of its aromatic properties.

Carrier Oils

Carrier or base oils are vegetable based and are very high in quality and nutrition. When combined with essential oils they allow the pure oils to be used for massage and body and skin care. Carrier oils can be obtained by cold pressing seeds, nuts, barks and grains.

Pure Aromatherapy Essential Oils-3% Mix

In their pure form some essential oils are too concentrated to use so manufacturers dilute them so that they can be used. Generally, essential oil manufacturers make the essential oils useable by combining them with carrier oils in a 3% mix.

Massage Oil Blends

Essential oils used for massage come ready to use as they are blended with carrier oils. These carrier oils are derived from almonds or grains, apricots and seeds of fruits. These are added to the oil of young wheat which raises the stability of the mix and increases shelf life.

Herbal Creams

Well researched formulas of creams consist of essential oils and natural extracts from select vegetation. High grade lanolin is used as a basis for many formulas.

best essential oils for earache

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