Sunday, November 25, 2018

Joint and Combined Military Operations

Joint and Combined Military Operations

Joint and combined operations are the wave of the future. So, what are they?

In milspeak, joint refers to having members from more than one service: Army and Marines, Soldiers and Sailors or some other combination. Combined speaks of having members from more than one nation, such as US and Canadian soldiers. Joint and Combined are both possible at once and are quite common in contingency operations around the world, from anti-terror missions to disaster relief efforts.

Naturally, this is a complicating factor. There is an old military joke. Each service is tasked with securing a building. The Army locks the doors at night. The Navy sweeps, mops, buffs the floors and empties the wastebaskets. The Air Force buys the building, the land and all associated rights. The Marines dig in fighting positions, set up weapons with interlocking fields of fire and begins construction of obstacles. There is more than a touch of truth to this. Each service has their own way of doing things and when they find themselves working together, each serviceman thrust into this situation has lessons to learn about what does and doesn't make sense.

Some is obvious. Soldiers will tend to call any sergeant, whether a staff sergeant, master sergeant or some other type, "Sergeant." Marines refuse to do this and will always use the full title. Marines who have never encountered this before have been known to get annoyed at this lack of respect.

There are attempts to solve this issue using traditional DoD methods. This means producing manuals that define words, as each service understands them and lessons on inter-service operations.

In practice, practice works best. When Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines work together they learn how each other service behaves and how they expect things to be done. This can be as simple as gathering up bodies to pick up trash on the road to as complex as how each service goes about getting their junior enlisted men promoted.

As is typical, it often falls to the senior NCO's to handle the messy details. Senior NCOs gather together to identify and solve issues. They will then pass this result down their respective chains of command so everyone will know what to do.

The issue is far more complex when other nations are involved. Issues start big and only grow. It can be something taken for granted like the ability of radios to transmit on the same frequencies or the availability of sufficient translators. The problems of multiple translations, where military technical jargon is translated into one language, so one interpreter can talk to the other, who then translates into a third language for the other military force can only be imagined to those who haven't experienced it. Again, the only real solution is exposure and training. Determining something as simple as when to salute someone whose rank you can't identify can be quite a challenge in a multinational operation, but on the other hand, occasionally you can get access to an Italian dining facility.

U.S. military news

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tres pasos para la resolución constructiva de conflictos

Tres pasos para la resolución constructiva de conflictos

Hay tres pasos clave involucrados en la resolución constructiva de conflictos: (1) despersonalizar el problema; (2) desactivar la situación; y (3) dirigir la conversación.

Paso 1. Despersonalizar el problema

Para despersonalizar el problema, debemos reconocer que las personas involucradas pueden tener estrategias y necesidades de comunicación y confianza muy diferentes.

Realmente necesitamos evaluar la personalidad de la otra persona involucrada.

Primero, es posible que nuestro “conflicto” sea simplemente un malentendido, porque tomamos personalmente el comportamiento de otra persona.

Segundo, si hay un conflicto real, es útil anticipar la estrategia de manejo de conflictos que este individuo probablemente usará.

Tercero, a medida que avanzamos para dirigir la conversación, seremos más efectivos si expresamos nuestra comunicación en términos que sean de mayor interés para la otra persona.

Paso 2. Desactiva la situación.

Para desactivar la situación, debemos ser capaces de mantenernos tranquilos y racionales a nosotros mismos y a la otra persona. Es muy difícil tener una conversación constructiva y de resolución de problemas cuando ninguna de las partes puede ser objetiva sobre el tema en cuestión.

Primero, debemos reconocer cuándo nosotros y / o la otra persona estamos funcionando en un nivel irracional. En tales momentos, las palabras no serán efectivas. Es importante tomar un descanso, alejarse de la situación y esperar hasta que ambos seamos capaces de comprometernos en un nivel más racional.

Segundo, es importante aceptar el hecho de que nosotros, y solo nosotros, controlamos nuestra respuesta emocional a cualquier situación. Si nos sentimos incómodos con nuestro comportamiento en una situación de conflicto, debemos identificar y posiblemente reemplazar las creencias personales que nos hicieron “elegir” ese comportamiento.

Tercero, nuestra conciencia de nuestras propias reacciones defensivas debería ayudarnos a ser más sensibles al impacto de nuestras palabras y comportamientos en los demás. Con suerte, expresaremos nuestro mensaje de una manera que sea menos probable que cause una reacción defensiva en la otra persona.

Paso 3. Dirigir la conversación

Para dirigir la conversación, es útil abordar el asunto como un problema mutuo que debe resolverse, en lugar de una situación de ganar / perder.

Los primeros dos pasos en nuestra estrategia de resolución de conflictos constructivos nos permiten lograr el primer principio clave de colaboración, o ganar / ganar negociación: separar a las personas del problema.

En este tercer paso, podemos iniciar una conversación que se centre en los dos principios restantes de la colaboración: centrarse en los intereses, no en las posiciones, e inventar opciones para el beneficio mutuo.

Es mucho más probable que resolvamos un conflicto de una manera constructiva si despersonalizamos el problema, resolvemos la situación y dirigimos la conversación en una dirección de resolución de problemas utilizando técnicas de negociación de ganar / ganar.

Deborah Spring Laurel ha sido capacitadora y consultora en las áreas de aprendizaje en el lugar de trabajo y mejora del rendimiento durante más de treinta años. Tiene veinte años de experiencia como Presidenta de Laurel and Associates, Ltd, una firma internacional de consultoría y capacitación en desarrollo de recursos humanos que se especializa en mejorar la dinámica interpersonal dentro de las organizaciones.

Deborah enseñó temas de administración y supervisión para el Executive Management Institute y el Small Business Development Center en la School of Business de la University of Wisconsin-Madison durante más de treinta años.

resolución conflictos

Monday, November 19, 2018

Get A Classic Used BMW Motorcycles For Sale

Get A Classic Used BMW Motorcycles For Sale

BMW motorcycles for sale today are widely used in racing and the teams who use BMW motorcycles are regular winners. Buying used or second hand motorcycles will save lot of money. Once they are out of the showrooms they lose higher percent of their value. BMW motorcycles are perfect ride for bikers who can trust its dependability and longevity attached to it. Buying used BMW is not at all cheap in price, as demand for the BMW is great in demand by many bike lovers.

BMW started its production in 1923 with motorcycles and came with the new models as the technology develops. It is far more attractive prospect and its amazing styling with good performance attracts the bikers to opt for BMW motorcycles. Many dealers will offer you the used BMW motorcycles for sale, but it more important to check all the legal documents before buying.

When buying motorcycles one should keep in mind things like how much your are going to spend? How much amount you are willing to spend on BMW? The price told by the seller is not the actual cost, there are several expenditures add up to it. Before buying the used BMW make sure you inspect all the things properly. Inspect the brakes, the clutches, plugs, its wheels, etc so that you don't have to pay more money in repairing.

There are two basic models of BMW motorcycle namely R- series and the K-series. The R- series deals with two horizontally cylinders in opposite directions whereas the K- series has 3-4 cylinders. The F- series comes with one cylinder, a carburetor and chain. The modern fuel injected bikes and older carburetor bikes are the two types in R-series. The K-series is known as the winners' bikes for its reliability, dependability and durability.

The R1200RT, the R1200r, k-series rockets, the F800s, etc all provide the latest machines with new power plant. F800 is one of the best bikes in BMW; it is light and relatively agile with comfortable riding position so that you can ride whole day. It has got amazing punchy engines, plenty of zing and super brakes. The parallel engine attached to it incredible which delivers torque and horsepower of 8500rpm with its 6 gears. The suspension of the F800 is incredible and easy to use which offers pretty quick speed.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

The 4 Stages of the Counseling Process: What Every Youth Counselor Should Know

The 4 Stages of the Counseling Process: What Every Youth Counselor Should Know

There is a natural progression that takes place within the context of the helping relationship. This process enables you and the person you are working with to build a relationship, assess the situation, set goals and come up with a plan to bring about your desired results. This progression is known as the counseling process. There are four stages of the counseling process. They are: developing a relationship, making an informed assessment, establishing mutually agreed upon goals and objectives and developing an implementation plan.

Phase 1. Developing A Relationship

In order to develop positive helping relationships with youth, you've got to be able to connect with them. This can only happen when youth are made to feel like you genuinely care about their well-being and that you understand where they are coming from. It's about behaving in a way that demonstrates the core conditions of genuineness, respect and empathy.
To develop solid relationships with youth, you need to create a safe environment where young people will feel comfortable enough to open up to you and talk to you about anything that is on their minds. You also need to help youth see that despite their circumstances they have strengths. In short, you should start things off from a strengths-based perspective.

Questions to Consider When Trying to
Develop A Relationship

· In what ways can you build better relationships with the youth in your program?

· If there are youth who are not actively engaged, what can you do differently to engage them?

· If a youth is resistant, what steps can you take to reduce resistance?

· What worked in the past with resistant youth?

· How do you know when you've built a solid relationship with a youth? Could you use these indicators to strengthen your relationships with other youth?

Phase 2. Making An Informed Assessment

An informed assessment happens when both you and the youth gather information in order to figure out what's "really" going on so that you can assess what needs to happen next in order to change the situation for the better or build up the youth's coping skills to better deal with a problematic situation. The first step in making an assessment is to find out if change is necessary, and if it is what needs to happen for change to take place. If you have determined that change is necessary, then the next step is to figure out what needs to change. Is it a behavior? An attitude? A situation?

A good assessment can provide an opportunity for a young person to see how his/her behavior or attitude might be contributing to an undesirable or unhealthy situation. Assessment is an ongoing process. You need to regularly check in with your youth to see how things are going. Reassessments enable you to ensure that you and the youth are on the right track.

How do you gather information in order to make an informed assessment? You can gather information in a number of ways: talking with youth, observing the youth's behavior and interactions, discussions with other people who are involved in the young person's life, and reading any documented information on the young person. Keep in mind that when utilizing someone else's verbal or written report as a source of background information, you run the risk of subjecting yourself to their biases and assumptions.

Points to Keep In Mind When Making An Assessment

· Be aware of your biases and how they impact on the assessments you make.

· Involve youth in the assessment process.

· Don't rely on one single source to make an assessment, gather as much information as you can from a variety of sources.

· Don't automatically label a behavior as dysfunctional because you don't understand it, or it is not germane to your culture.

· Make sure to point out a young person's strengths even when addressing problematic behavior.

Phase 3. Establishing Mutually Agreed Upon Goals and Objectives

Why is it important to establish "mutually agreed" upon goals and objectives? Because if a young person is in agreement with the goals then he/she is more likely to follow through on them. When a youth is actively involved in the goal setting process and is in agreement with the goals, then he/she is more inclined to take ownership of the goals. What are goals? Goals are broad statements that identify what you want to accomplish. Think of goals as the end result that you are trying to achieve. While goals are broad statements that identify what you want to accomplish overall, objectives are the measurable steps that you take to achieve your goals. For example if you have a goal that states, "youth will be better able to manage her anger." One of your objectives might be, "youth will recognize emotional triggers that lead to angry outbursts and use positive, self-talk to calm herself down." Your objectives should always be concrete and measurable. They should also be derived from the overall goal.

Questions to Consider When Developing

Goals and Objectives

· What do you and the young person want to achieve?

· How are you going to achieve it?

· When do you want to achieve your stated goal?

· What obstacles do you anticipate?

· How will you address these obstacles?

· How will you use to measure and monitor progress?

· Are your goals realistic?

Phase 4. Implementation Plan

The implementation plan is a plan that you and the youth work on together. It is designed to prevent, intervene, or address unhealthy behaviors and practices. The implementation plan identifies who will perform the activities, where the activities will occur, how frequently they will occur, how they will be carried out and when they will be carried out. Implementation activities are designed to help individuals re-think risky behavior, work through problematic issues, address unhealthy lifestyles practices, learn new skills and build strengths. Implementation activities can include: counseling, crisis intervention, training and education, supportive services, concrete services and constructive use of free time.

As you can see, each stage of the counseling process builds upon the former. As you move through each stage, you will come to realize that it takes patience and practice to counsel youth effectively, but if you are committed to the goal you'll do just fine. You may not feel completely confident in your ability as a counselor, but as you expand your knowledge base, gain more experience and strengthen your helping skills, you will become a more effective counselor.

counseling near me

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How to Buy Auto Parts Online

How to Buy Auto Parts Online

Buying auto parts online can be extremely hit and miss. There are so many uncertain variables if you do not know exactly what you need. Choosing the right auto parts online store can be the difference between getting the right part at the right price or finding yourself chasing the proverbial rabbit down the hole. The tips and tricks presented here will help you have a pleasurable shopping experience online.

You Do Not Have to Be an Expert

It comes as no surprise that the past several years have been financially heavy for most people here in the US. This fiscal struggle is everywhere when you take a moment to focus on our spending habits. For instance, new vehicle sales have gone down considerably in the past 5 years while restoration of existing autos have gone up exponentially. These days, we are becoming DIY mechanics, replacing faulty auto parts with new ones as necessary. However, most people are not aware that they can save even more money by buying auto parts online instead of at their local store.

You Do Not Have To Be an Expert!

In years past, consulting with an expert before buying replacement auto parts was the only way to go. We had to trust what our local mechanic was saying as gospel.  Nowadays, with access to a world of information with the onset of the internet, provided you know a little bit about your car, it isn't really necessary to start your search with your local mechanic. If you want to buy auto parts online you can do it provided you know the make, year and model of your vehicle. Buying replacement parts online is even easier if you happen to know the part number.

Save Time When You Buy Online

If you shop for new car parts locally your selections are limited in terms of price and quality. What's more, you are not guaranteed to find the exact part you need. This is painfully true if you are shopping for an uncommon auto part. Shopping online for auto parts can be far more efficient in terms of getting quality and accurate results. That's because there are dozens of online auto parts stores that deal in the sale of auto parts. This means you are likely to find the precise part you need, even if it is an unusual one.

Saving Time

If you shop at traditional venues for auto parts you might have to drive to several different places before you find the part you are looking for. Driving from one place to another takes time. If you shop online what would have taken hours if not days can be accomplished in thirty minutes or less. Therefore, if you have a busy life as most of us do,  shopping online for new parts definitely frees up your time to do what you need to be doing instead of shopping for your parts around town.

Save Money Buying Online

Let us suppose that you decide to buy a used 2001 Ford Mustang, but it needs a new suspension. If you shop locally for the shocks and struts, it will cost you $400 or more at retail pricing. If you shop online for the exact same suspension parts, you can get them for as little as $200. That is half the cost, and usually shipping is free. When you buy new parts online it cuts out the middle man. That's what makes it so much cheaper.

Warning - Do Be Careful

If your car is in desperate need of a replacement car part immediately, then you will pay for that time sensitive need.  if you have a day or two to spare to allow for your purchase to arrive, it is a much better idea to shop online than it is to buy locally. However you must be careful to order exactly the right part the first time. If you have to send a part back because you ordered the wrong one, it could cause a significant delay. It is also a good idea to ensure that any website you consider buying auto parts from is legitimate before making any kind of purchase.

Trust in these tips and tricks when shopping for auto parts online and you will save time, money, and will enjoy greater satisfaction in knowing you accomplished your goal of getting your car back on the road for less.

Auto part plus

Monday, November 5, 2018

Fast, Easy and Free Online Dating

Fast, Easy and Free Online Dating

Looking for love online? Wherever you are, whoever you are and whatever you do, free online dating can help you develop friendships which may blossom into romantic relationships sooner than you had imagined. Online dating websites allow people to use the internet to meet interesting people for social bonding and matchmaking.

Advantage Free Online Dating:

Wondering if it is a good option to choose free online dating services? Dating online is one of the easiest means to connect with millions of singles worldwide. All you need to do is register online on any dating site, put up your profile and search for potential dates. As a quick and sensible option, you can decide on how, when you want to pursue your request. You can even set your own pace, and look out for profiles in the cozy confines of your home or office. Moreover, you don't even have to sit through long evenings engaged in conversations with any of your dates to decide if he/she is the right one for you. You can choose to open your free online dating site at home, office, college, friend's house, at any time during the day to chat with your potential matches.

Building a great Profile online:

Are you single and interested in building a profile on a free online dating website? Your profile is the window which opens your life to the virtual world. Ensure that you have a well written profile, don't mention any details of the relationships in the past, unravel yourself but remember to leave your potential dates intrigued.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Selecting The Best Value Drones To Buy This Year

Selecting The Best Value Drones To Buy This Year

The drone market has really exploded over the past two years, so with more models than ever before, just how do you go about selecting the right drone for you? or someone else if it is a gift for that matter? There are new models coming in from China as global trade continues to blossom and some of them are relatively cheap compared to the original giants among the radio-controlled modeling world. They are appearing on the shelves or via online shopping portals so, just how do you go about choosing which of them are among the best drones to buy?

Let's face it, it doesn't matter how old you are or how many props it has, Drones are Cool!

But if you are wanting the best you must be prepared to put your hands deep into those pockets and don't just buy the first one you see. This is especially true if you don't know the first thing about them, first, you need to read up a little and then you can try to narrow down your selection.

To do this, you must first decide on what it is that you want to do with your drone, is it a toy drone you are after then this process is a little easier but you still need to know if it is just a bare drone you need then you go for what suits your pocket, but if you want a camera then decide if you are wanting the camera to shoot single images or video, or do you need to see through the lens? Using a smartphone, you can do this and most kids do have a smartphone these days.

But by now I think you may be getting the picture, it's not just a case as buying the first drone you see, it is far better to select from the best value drones to buy. If you can use a table of sorts that lays everything out for you then you can go to the correct table, compare the different features and then make your selection. The alternative is simply look up all the current manufacturers of the drones and scroll through all of their information and specification sheets and try to select your drone from there, but that will take time.

There are so many models off drones out there now so if you were to look at the top ten to fifty drones you will find they will vary a little depending who is carrying out the review, but you should expect to see some of the same names cropping up repeatedly. Once again dropping them into a price band can only help the selection process for the right drone for you.

There has also been a lot of changes to the style of the drones with some models keeping with the single rotor like the helicopter, then going to four or five or six or even eight. However, most of the market has settled on four rotors hence the reason why some call their drone a quadcopter drone. But the majority have stuck with the manly sounding term of a "drone". I think the military's range of drones has possibly had something to do with its influence plus the influence of the gaming market.

So, as I mentioned earlier, when choosing yourself a drone much will depend upon what the drone is going to be used for and whether it is going to be used for pleasure or for commercial means, to make money from it. Once that is settled then you can focus on the features that you know you are going to need.

For example, if you were a keen photographer and you wanted to use an aerial drone platform to get those high up shots then you are most likely going to focus on the drones with at least four going up to possibly eight propellers, because you may need that many drone motors to give you the lift to get your camera equipment in the air.

You would also require the stabilizing gimbals and the Glonnas and GPS systems to keep your aerial drone platform stable and in the positions, you going to need. Plus with any expensive equipment, you want to be sure that you are going to get it back so there is a need for that king of specification to be added to your list.

When we first began to see drones come on to the market their numbers were few and there was only a couple of uses that they were built to serve. Many were seen as toys or for the more serious hobbyists, like the Radio-Controlled market including aircraft, boats, and cars. But as time has passed the more serious commercial aspects of using a drone began to materialize, these uses were as a surveillance drone, for keeping a watchful eye on someone or something, as a search and rescue drone for trying to locate someone in difficult terrain, or for surveys of buildings and unsafe structures where it would be dangerous for people to go.

So, as you see there are many ways in which you can use a drone so once you have focussed on your intended use of the drone you can sort out the toys from the way more serious and highly technical drones.

There is a third element to the use of a drone, which is that of the racing drone, built purely for speed it's not going to win any beauty prizes because speed and versatility are the main requirements along with the First-Person View (FPV for short) Camera and goggle for the user.

So now we have our groupings I suppose the next consideration will be the cost because some of these beauties carry huge price tags. So, if you know what your drone is going to be used for and you know how much you can afford to spend. Your next decision is whether to buy a complete done for you package or do you want to get your hands dirty and build your own machine from a box of bits?

If you go down the route of a self-build drone, it may save a few dollars on the purchase, but you need to know what you're doing because if one or more of your motors isn't working you need to know how to fault find and how to fix your machine. In our review, we have focused on the ready to fly straight from the box drones.

As with any market, there will be the low cost, budget end of the market and then the high-end technically advanced models increasing from there. Bearing in mind that you only get what you pay for you must first ensure that you are looking at the right drone for you and go from there. One avenue you could try is to find a review site where you can view and consider all the relevant data in one place which applies to you and then make an informed decision.

Safety Features of Some Drones Its worth noting that on some drones even within the lower to mid-range, still have some essential safety features that would keep the unwary out of trouble. One of the fundamental safety rules is that you should maintain sight of the aircraft at all times, but quite often you experience most of your problems when your craft is at its farthest range away from you so what do you do?

Fortunately, many of the manufacturers have already thought of the what if scenarios and as a result, they have built into their drones some cool safety features. We all know what GPS is and how it can help us find directional routes etc, but to have GPS installed in a drone where it operates an automatic Return-to-Home functionality. Yes, it will really return to the point at which it took off from and safely land too! It will even start to return to land if it detects that the battery is running low, bearing in mind that most drones will only fly for around twenty minutes.

If you are flying in the United States of America, there is a maximum height of 400ft which you must not exceed under any circumstances (if you do you will probably find that a real drone will come along a blow you out of the sky!) Joking of course but you get the point it is a serious rule.

Once again, some manufacturers have already acted on this rule and built their product with a maximum altitude of just under the four hundred feet. So, it's another good safety feature that will help to keep the unwary out of trouble.

DJI Drone Training